Glerups Felt Shoe with Heel Cap

Glerups Felt Shoe with Heel Cap

Regular price 539,00

Glerups Felt Shoes with Heel Cap - Grey - Glerups hjemmesko i filt med hælkappe

Glerups felt shoe - a really nice indoor shoe!

The shoe is made of 100% pure natural wool together with a sole of pure soft calves' skin.
The felt shoe is strong, flexible and warm. 
The fit of the shoe follows the contoures of the feet, which secures that it stays on your feet.
The wool's own property to absorb moist (whole 38% of its own weight), keeps your feet dry. The Glerups felt shoe can be washed by hand in hot soap water.

The shoes may also ´shed´ during the first days of use. The reason for this is that the coarsest fibres just need to be plucked fibres work their way out of the felt. It is only natural, and the fibres just need to be plucked off.